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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
OK. The title really says it all.

I love creating content and websites for the Internet, but one area is severely lacking. Graphics!

I don't really want to invest a ton of cash in pro graphics, and I'm not really at a level where I can create great graphics myself. One reason might also be that I'm not willing to pay for a top notch graphics suite like Photoshop.

Gimp to the rescue!

Gimp is a free graphics suite that I hear is almost as good as Photoshop. The online pros might have a different opinion and they certainly know far more than me, but gimp is good enough for this fledgling graphics creator.

When you download Gimp there is still a long way to creating your own super sweet graphic though.

That's why it's fortunate that there are plenty of tutorials on Gimp available online!

The purpose of this blog is to go through a tutorial each day (or whenever RL allows). Show you the result and rate the difficulty level of the tutorial.

Hopefully this will be as fun for me as it will for you!